5th Cyprus Talks Green

    Dates: 29 June, 9:00 – 8:15

    5th Cyprus Talks Green

    More than 100 people participated in the Cyprus Talks Green #5, that was held in Nicosia 29th June 2023, which offered the opportunity to discuss the extremely topical and vital topic of the green transition in the context of transport as well as the storage of energy from Renewable Energy Sources between technocrats and industry representatives. The conference dealt with the existing green energy framework in the region, good practices and legislative frameworks of other countries, new technologies and case studies from Cyprus and abroad. The event addressed by the Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry of Cyprus, Mr. Giorgos Papanastasiou, and HE Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Cyprus, Mrs. Elke Merks-Schaapveld, and comprehensive presentation was given by the Chairman of the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Dr Andreas Poullikkas.

    Public authorities, industry associations, businesses, civil society organisations, media, city councils, private companies, research organisations, NGOs, SMEs and start-ups, and other energy stakeholders involved in leading the green energy transition attended the Conference.

    The Conference was organised by the Sustainable Energy Laboratory (EnergyLab) of the Cyprus University of Technology and ideopsis Ltd and supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Cyprus, the Israeli Dutch Innovation Centre, EIT Urban Mobility (RIS hub Malta) and Future Fuels Ltd

    Event Details
    Research Scientist
    The Cyprus Institute
    Ambassador, Embassy of Netherlands in Cyprus
    Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry
    Chairman of Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority
    The Cyprus Institute
    EPL Technology Frontiers Ltd
    Hydrogen Architects, Netherlands
    EIT Urban Mobility
    Innovation Attache, Netherlands Embassy in Israel and manager of Israeli Dutch Innovation Center
    Wincono Ltd | Future Fuels Ltd
    Cenex Netherland
    Cyprus University of Technology
    Laboratory of steam boilers and thermal plants
    National Technical University of Athens
    ideopsis Ltd.
    Welcome Speeches
    Session 1 – Setting the Scene - Framework
    • June 29, 2023 10:40-11:00
    Session 2 – Case Studies from Cyprus and Abroad
    Session 3: EIT Urban Mobility Speed Networking
    • June 29, 2023 13:30-15:00
      EIT Urban Mobility Speed Networking

      During lunch, tables will be set-up enabling discussion between interested stakeholders and the participants

      Event Details