Energy Storage: Storage Technologies and their Role in the Energy Transition

    Dates: 29 January, 8:30 – 17:15

    Energy Storage: Storage Technologies and their Role in the Energy Transition

    One of the biggest problems facing any energy system is that of managing the generated energy according to the required load. It is possible in the different energy systems to observe seasonal variations in energy requirements, variation in energy production as well as differences between the amount of energy produced and the demand. As the need to address these challenges is increased, the seminar was designed to provide the necessary knowledge to understand the available storage technologies as well as the utility of applying said energy storage systems in the various sectors. Storing energy so that it can be used later, when and where it is needed most, is key to increased renewable energy production, energy efficiency and energy security.
    If you are a mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, environmental engineer, energy and climate expert, sustainable mobility expert, environmental chemist, technician, researcher, or any other professional keen on gaining knowledge on the topic of Energy Storage, join us on this educational seminar and benefit:
    • At knowledge level: describe the basic principles governing energy storage methods and classify the various storage systems.
    • At skill level: choose appropriate applications of energy storage systems in their organization.
    • At attitude level: participate in energy storage decision-making in your organization and challenge misconceptions about energy storage.

    The seminar is subsidised by Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA).

    Event Details
    Assistant Professor, National Technical University of Athens
    Supervisor | Senior Expert | Energy Policy & Climate Change, ideopsis ltd.
    ideopsis Ltd.

    • basic principles of Energy Storage
    • understanding of available storage technologies

    • thermal energy storage and electric power
    • energy efficiency
    • energy security

    • productive system
    • energy storage systems
    • reduction of conventional fuel consumption

      Event Details